Biostimulants Europe 2018

Valencia,Spain    Jan. 17, 2018-Jan. 18, 2018


Jan. 17, 2018-Jan. 18, 2018


Hotel Senator Parque Central


Plaza Manuel Sanchis Guarner Valencia, 46006 Spain


Active Communications International


Rohan Baryah


+48 61 646 7022


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Global and European biostimulant market has grown significantly over past few years. With increased direction from the authorities and growing demand for sustainable agriculture it is certain that biostimulant market will continue to experience remarkable growth. ACI is delighted to announce the second Biostimulants Europe Conference. Biostimulants Europe returns to Spain, on this occasion taking place in Valencia, on the 17th and 18th of January 2018.
The two day event will bring together key industry stakeholders from the biostimulants industry to discuss the challenges faced and the future opportunities. Conference will discuss the current overview of the markets, with highlights from experts on the progression of the biostimulants market and new insights and innovation of projects in pipeline.
The conference will also have insights from end-use markets giving updates on market growth drivers along with sustainable advancements in technologies and R&D projects. 

Exclusive Site Visits: Valencia, Spain: Tuesday 16th January 2018
(1) Fundación Cajamar
On 16th January, a day prior to the conference, a limited number of attendees will receive the unique opportunity to visit Fundación Cajamar facilities.

(2) Syntech Research
Second Site Visit to Syntech Research facilities in Valencia

There is no extra charge to attend the site visits, but spaces are limited and allocated on first come – first served basis. Please register your attendance for the site visit when booking for the conference. Itinerary will be released soon.
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Popular speakers

Yenny Tao

Head of Animal and Plant, China


Adam Kayser

Global Product Technical Manager


Dr. Qian Li

China BioAg Business Development Manager


Du Sen

Chief Expert

National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China