The 6th meeting of the IOBC/wprs WG - "Integrated Protection of Olive Crops"

Budva,Montenegro    May. 12, 2013-May. 16, 2013


May. 12, 2013-May. 16, 2013


Hotel Tara,Becici, Budva


The Working Group “Integrated protection of olive crops” of the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxius Animals & Plants (IOBC)


Dionyssios Perdikis


0030 210 529 4581


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Dear Colleague!

It is with a great pleasure to announce that the 6th meeting of the IOBC/wprs WG "Integrated Protection of Olive Crops" will be held in Becici, Budva, Montenegro, May 12-16, 2013.

The meeting will focus on the exchange of knowledge and expertise on research and implementation of control strategies of olive pests and diseases, aiming to minimize the impacts on the environment, increase sustainability and support the production of higher quality olive products. Main goal of the group is also to promote cooperation among scientists, advisors and other stakeholders dealing with all aspects of olive tree protection.

Olive cultivation is an ancient tradition in Montenegro. Proof of its long history can be found in groves that are extremely old. Two outstanding specimens, the 'Old olive tree' in Bar and the 'Big olive tree' near Budva, are estimated to be more than 2,000 years old.

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