Expointer 2016

Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil    Aug. 27, 2016-Sep. 4, 2016

Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil

Aug. 27, 2016-Sep. 4, 2016


Assis Brasil Park in Esteio city


State of Rio Grande do Sul, Farsul (Federation of Agriculture and Livestock of Rio Grande do Sul), Union of Agricutural Machinery Industries of Rio Grande do Sul (Simers)


Alexandre Farina


+55 51 3288-6210



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Expointer is the largest outdoor agricultural exposition in Latin America. In its current format, it takes place for over 40 years and receives between 550,000 and 600,000 visitors per year. There are a lot of conferences, expositions, debates, meetings, competitions involving animals and launch of products.
It can be said that, among the exhitors, about a third are from multinationals of agrochemicals or local Brazilian companies. The fair gather yet several expositors of machinery and others from the livestock sector, besides banks, class associations, unions and industries related or not with the rural sector (steel or construction, for instance). Last year, the fair moved R$ 1.7 billion in 9 days.

Exhibitors and Visitors Profile 
The most modern agricultural machinery and technolgy produced in Brazil will be presented. The importance of Expointer is explained, besides the excellence of the primary production, by the diversity of attractions that bring, either because of the conferences, workshops about field management, public hearings, music concerts, leasure areas and a variety of attractions that take so many people to the show, which takes the central stage at a state and national level. Expointer takes the condition of a link between the rural and the urban.
Conference information:
August 27
Field in Debate: Agriculture in the view of Blairo Maggi, Minister of Agriculture of Brazil
August 28
Launch of Embrapa technolgies
Signing of Embrapa agreements
August 29
Showcase of Action Laboratories of Agricultural Microbiology and Seed Technology - Promotion: FEPAGRO (State Foundation of Agricultural Research of Rio Grande do Sul)
Seminar of Water and Soil Conservation
Field in Debate: High prices of food and consequences on domestic market
August 30
Launch: Soybean seed "BSIRGA 1642 IPRO" - Promotion: Bayer
August 31
Sample Shares of the Entomology, Phytopathology and Agricultural Chemistry Laboratories - Promotion: FEPAGRO
September 1
Sustainability of Biotechnology - Lecturer: Adriana Brondani (Diretora-Executiva CIB - Council of Information on Biotechnogy)
Forum Soybean Brazil: The challenges of higher yields
September 2
Presentations of Fepagro Technologies
time Items



Recommended Events

Popular speakers

Dr. Liao Kechao

Director of Application R&D

WuXi JingFung technology Co., Ltd

Tong Leiting

Executive Director

Xian Tbio Crop Science Co.,Ltd

Eva Hoo



Daoyong Gong

PhD at Chongqing University, Leader of Harworld biosynthetic biology research group at Guangxi Acade
