The International Conference on Urban Pests

Birmingham,UnitedKingdom    Jul. 9, 2017-Jul. 12, 2017


Jul. 9, 2017-Jul. 12, 2017


Conference Aston / Aston University, Birmingham, UK


Killgerm Chemicals Ltd


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International Conference on Urban Pests (ICUP) is a highly popular, non-profit, conference. It is the leading international forum for sharing information and ideas on the impact, biology and control of pests in the urban environment. It is attended by entomologists, pest management professionals, and academic and government scientists from around the world.

Presentations and Posters are held in English. Presentations of each Conference are published in a bound Proceedings book and provided to participants at the start of the Conference. Previous conference venues include Cambridge, England (1993), Edinburgh, Scotland (1996), Prague, Czech Republic (1999), Charleston, USA (2002), Singapore (2005), Budapest, Hungary (2008), Ouro Preto, Brazil (2011) and Zurich, Switzerland (2014).

The 2017 organising team, led by Dr Matthew Davies from Killgerm Chemicals Ltd has been working hard developing, what promises to be, another first-class programme for the 2017 conference.

The conference programme addresses the science and management of a wide variety of urban pests, including coverage of hygiene, structural, medical and vertebrate pests. In particular, we address the importance of emerging environments and how they are impacting on emerging pests that are both ‘old’ and ‘new’ to us. We are especially looking forward to seeing interaction between a new generation of researchers and established contributors.

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Dr. Liao Kechao

Director of Application R&D

WuXi JingFung technology Co., Ltd

Tong Leiting

Executive Director

Xian Tbio Crop Science Co.,Ltd

Eva Hoo



Daoyong Gong

PhD at Chongqing University, Leader of Harworld biosynthetic biology research group at Guangxi Acade
