Argus FMB Europe Fertilizer 2017

Barcelona,Spain    Oct. 18, 2017-Oct. 20, 2017


Oct. 18, 2017-Oct. 20, 2017


Barcelona, Spain




+44 (0) 20 7780 4340


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The 2016 conference, held in Cannes, France attracted over 700 market participants from 361 companies across 58 countries – making it the best fertilizer event in Europe for networking and doing business. Delegates from across the supply chain attend including key decision makers from trading firms, producers, distributors, logistics, bagging and equipment providers. Don’t miss this chance to meet existing clients – and find new business - in one fabulous location over 3 days.
Benefits of attending the 2017 Europe Fertilizer conference
Meet new contacts from across the supply chain from all over the world – raw material producers, traders, manufacturers, distributors and service providers
Perfectly timed just ahead of the buying season for spring application in Europe
Assess growth prospects for speciality fertilizers and identify the regions offering best opportunities for growth
Hear how new EU regulations could impact nitrogen production in Europe, global phosphate trade and slow and controlled release fertilizers
Get the latest market intelligence from all major actors – inside and outside the conference sessions
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Popular speakers

Dr. Liao Kechao

Director of Application R&D

WuXi JingFung technology Co., Ltd

Tong Leiting

Executive Director

Xian Tbio Crop Science Co.,Ltd

Eva Hoo



Daoyong Gong

PhD at Chongqing University, Leader of Harworld biosynthetic biology research group at Guangxi Acade
