13th International Wheat Genetics Symposium

Tulln,Austria    Apr. 23, 2017-Apr. 28, 2017


Apr. 23, 2017-Apr. 28, 2017


the Danubium conference hall


Tulln, Austria


University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)



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The IWGS-2017 Scientific Program consists of 73 lectures and 380 posters. In addition several Wheat Initiative satellite meetings take place before and during IWGS-2017.

Instructions for presenters
ORAL presentations: your slides MUST be compatible for presenting in POWER POINT 2016 for Windows  the projector supports the modern 16:9 format. Timing: For a 20 minutes presentation use maximum 15 minutes for your lecture and reserve minimum 5 minutes for a discussion and answering questions. The schedule is tight, time discipline is therefore necessary. Bring your presentation on an USB device! Hand in your presentation at the latest during a break the day BEFORE your presentation is due. The organizer plans on recording presentations (voice and screen) for web-viewing, but will certainly request your permission.
POSTER presentations: your poster must be printed in portrait format, the maximum possible size of the poster area is 95 cm wide x 220 cm tall. All posters will be on display all week! Posters with odd numbers will be specifically presented in Session I (Tuesday, April 25, 11:15 – 13:15), postes with even numbers in Session II (Thursday, April 27, 10:35 – 12:35). Adhesive tapes are used for fixing posters.
If you want to make your POSTER or LECTURE publicly avialable you can upload and thus publish your poster or your presentation slides in PDF format at the IWGS webpage. Poster must be a pdf in DIN A3 format, slides must be a series of slides in pdf.
time Items



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Popular speakers

Dr. Liao Kechao

Director of Application R&D

WuXi JingFung technology Co., Ltd

Tong Leiting

Executive Director

Xian Tbio Crop Science Co.,Ltd

Eva Hoo



Daoyong Gong

PhD at Chongqing University, Leader of Harworld biosynthetic biology research group at Guangxi Acade
