2017 AgrichemBIZ Show

Bucharest,Romania    May. 29, 2017-May. 30, 2017


May. 29, 2017-May. 30, 2017


Radisson BLU Hotel


Bucharest, Romania




Ms Lina Li (Event Manager)


+86 10 6701 3545 / +86 10 6701 6546



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As it is known to all, Romania is one of the countries with the most pronounced agrarian profile in the European Union. Romania agricultural GDP reached 31 billion Ron (6.9 billion Euros). However, in recent years, the proportion of agriculture in Romania GDP continued to decline, down from 18.1% in 1995 to $4.2% in 2015, hitting the lowest record in nearly 20 years. Under this background, the increase of farmers' welfare and promoting agriculture in driving economic growth are difficult. This event will gather the best agrochemical suppliers from China and will introduce good quality products to Romania market to help the agricultural development.

Since 2014, AgrichemBIZ Show has been successfully held annually in Ethiopia, Nigeria and Indonesia. In response to the demands of Chinese agrochemical enterprises and Romania industry importers, MTLA decided to hold the 2017 AgrochemBIZ Show in Bucharest, Romania. With the local support and MTLA's devoted efforts, the 2017 AgrochemBIZ Show will definitely be an industry feast again in the global market. 

MTLA invites agrochemical companies from Romania and the EU to exhibit during this show, as well as manufacturers, formulators, importers & exporters, traders and distributors in Romania and neighboring countries to communicate with the world famous agrochemical suppliers face to face, and some officials from different agrochemicals management organizations will also be invited to make presentations on registration, market and industry dynamics and policies in their countries. They might also provide partial travel support to some buyers after evaluation.
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