Middle East Grain Congress 2015

Sharm-el-Sheikh,Egypt    Mar. 3, 2015-Mar. 4, 2015


Mar. 3, 2015-Mar. 4, 2015


Grand Rotana Resort & Spa


Sharm-el-Sheikh, Egypt


APK-Inform Agency


Irina Ozip


+380676342605 (ext. 120)



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APK-Inform announces Middle East Grain Congress, which to be held on March 3-4, 2015, in Egypt, Sharm-El-Sheikh.

Egypt being the world’s largest importer of wheat is making significant efforts to reduce dependence on imported grain and to improve its storage and transportation systems inside the country. In addition, the current stocks of wheat in the country are at a high level and will be able to meet the domestic demand for grain until April.
However, the current season is one more test for both importers and exporters of grains. Political tensions in the Black Sea region, the issues of supply restrictions, grain quality - only part of the tangle of concerns with which market players face daily.
APK-Inform hopes that a new stage in relations with Egypt, namely the Middle East Grain Congress, will provide an excellent opportunity to discuss and comprehend the major events of the season, their causes and consequences, predict the situation of the next season.
Main conference topics: 
  • World grain trading in 2014/15 МY
  • Minimization of risks during agricultural products trading; Price formation: influence of market factors and stock exchange operators);
  • Portraits of grain markets of the Black Sea countries.
  • Grain imports to countries of the Middle East and the North Africa
  • Flour milling industry of countries of the Middle East and the North Africa. Wheat quality requirements of flour millers.
Target audience: international trading companies, millers, importers, inspection and logistics companies, banks, state companies, brokers, industrial associations, etc.

Expected number of delegates: 150-200 persons from the Middle East, North Africa and Black Sea.
Conference language – English/Arabic.
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Xian Tbio Crop Science Co.,Ltd

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Daoyong Gong

PhD at Chongqing University, Leader of Harworld biosynthetic biology research group at Guangxi Acade
