AgroChem Philippines 2018

Malina,Philippines    Aug. 28, 2018-Aug. 30, 2018


Aug. 28, 2018-Aug. 30, 2018


World Trade Center, Metro Malina


2/F WTCMM Building, Gil Puyat Ave. Extension cor. Diosdado Macapagal Blvd. Pasay City 1300 Philippines


CCPIT Sub-Council Of Chemical Industry, WIMS (PHILS) Exposition and Services Corporation, Chemical Industries Association of Philippines


Michael Zhao;Terry Zhao


+86-10-84292984; 64283093; 84255960


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AgroChem Philippines 2018, an International Exhibition on Philippines and South-East Asia Plant Protection Industry

The Philippines has almost no pesticide technical production, mainly need import technical or formulations to meet the domestic demand. The Philippines pesticides amand in 2016 estimated at $200 million and insecticides accounted for more than 50% importing technical, else are herbcide and fungicide, more than 150 enterprises had the registration of pesticides, and more than 160 dealers. Pesticides are mainly used in rice, corn, vegetables, fruits and plantation crop (e.g., mango, banana and pineapple), large percent quantities of pesticides  are used in rice production, accounting for 33% of the total consumption of pesticides.
The use of pesticides in Philippine agriculture continues to increase despite the adoption and promotion of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program. Insecticides constitute approximately 55%, fungicides 22% and herbicide 16% of the pesticides used in the country for rice, corn, vegetables and plantation crops. 
Approximately 98% of the inorganic fertilizer supply and 70-75% of the inorganic fertilizer utilization in the Philippines is imported, with urea accounting for 57.5%, ammonium sulfate for 23.4%, and muriate of potash for 6%. Ammonium sulfate is especially imported when the international market price is lower than that of domestic production. The majority of the finished fertilizer grades are sourced from Saudi Arabia,China, Indonesia and Korea. Other important suppliers include Bangladesh, Canada, CIS, Jordan, Malaysia, Mexico, Qatar, Singapore, and UK.

Domestic fertilizer production in 2011 totalled 210,100 mt, largely in the form of 14-14-14, 16-20-0, and 16-16-8 . The bulk of the 14-14-14 and about half of the 16-20-0 produced in the Philippines was consumed by the local market. In 2011, around 98% fertilizer suppy was imported. 

Exhibition Profile:
● Pesticides: products of insecticide, fungicide, herbicide, intermediates; 
● Fertilizer:  nitrogen fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, potash fertilizer, compound fertilizer; new specialized fertilizers like seaweed fertilizer; biological fertilizer;
● Crop-protection and Agrochemical Bio-engineering Technology: plant growing regulator; transgenic product and other agricultural bio-engineering technology
● Agrochemical Machinery and Horticultural Specialized Machine and Equipment :equipment for agrochemical products, spraying machine, agricultural plastic, farming machine; horticultural grass mown, sprinkler machine, irrigating equipment and the relative package equipment
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