6th Symposium on Agribusiness Science

Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil    Oct. 25, 2018-Oct. 26, 2018

Rio Grande do Sul,Brazil

Oct. 25, 2018-Oct. 26, 2018


CEPAN of Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS)


+55 51 3308 6586



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The Agribusiness Science Symposium is an integral part of the annual activity calendar of the Center for Agribusiness Studies and Research ( CEPAN ), based at the Faculty of Agronomy of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul ( UFRGS ). The Symposium is organized by the Graduate Program in Agribusiness since 2013. Its objective is to promote the exchange, dissemination and stimulation of knowledge, proposals and solutions that contribute to the development of new ideas, initiatives and the building of alliances for innovation and sustainability in agribusiness.
This year 2018 will be the 6th Edition of the Symposium, with the theme: Ecosystem Services in Agribusiness.
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National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China