Biopesticide Summit 2019

Swansea, Wales,UnitedKingdom    Jul. 2, 2019-Jul. 3, 2019

Swansea, Wales,UnitedKingdom

Jul. 2, 2019-Jul. 3, 2019


Swansea University


Singleton Park, Swansea, Wales, SA2 8PP United Kingdom


Bionema Limited


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Bionema Limited and Swansea University are to host the inaugural Biopesticide Summit and exhibition in Swansea University, United Kingdom in July 2019 to address the pressing need to develop alternatives to chemical crop protection.
The Biopesticide Summit 2019 will focus on developing and introducing innovative and alternative biocontrol solutions that will help protect our food chain in a controlled but timely manner.
The Global biopesticides market is increasing and was worth approximately $3.36 billion in 2016 and is projected to reach $8.82 billion by 2022, at an annual growth rate of 17.4%.
Despite significant growth in the biocontrol industry, major limitations with current biopesticide solutions are rarely discussed. There is an urgent need to develop novel products and application technologies to not only “fill the gaps” in the market due to pesticide removal but also to anticipate future requirements as pests and diseases are developing resistance to currently used chemical products.  In additional, there is increasing consumer led retailer demand for growers to eradicate the use of chemical pesticides in crop production and to grow fruit and vegetables with reduced detectable residues.

Biopesticide Summit 2019 will:
- Cover the global challenges facing end-users and regulators today and in the near future.
- Examine new tools and methods being used to accelerate discovery of new biopesticide products.
- Hear about innovative technologies, novel formulations and application strategies; highlighting how they can be used to deliver high quality formulated products for better efficacy in different cropping systems.
- Bring together academia, industry and investors to commercialise novel innovations.

Who should attend:
Scientists, Researchers, Stakeholders, Manufacturers, Distributors, Suppliers, Government Organizations, Trade Bodies, Journalists, Market Researchers, Cooperatives, Investors, Grant Awarding Bodies, Policy Makers, Professional Service Providers, Agronomists, Course Managers, Integrated Pest Management Consultants, Integrated Pest Management Practitioners

The Biopesticide Summit 2019 will bring together scientists, researchers, key industry stakeholders, government organizations, investors, policy makers and integrated pest management practitioners.
International speakers from the Biocontrol Industry, Funding Agencies, Trade Bodies, Government and Academia including:

Benefits of attending:
- Appreciate the urgent need to develop novel products and application technologies to not only “fill the gaps” in the market due to pesticide removal but also to anticipate future requirements as pests and diseases are developing resistance to currently used products.
- Help create opportunities for colleagues to develop strategic collaborations, to accelerate commercialisation of new biocontrol products and to support the uptake of new pest control strategies which contribute to improving human health and creating a safer environment.
- Gain research and excellent development guidance from expert speakers.
- Learn about the new methodologies being pursued in the discovery of new biopesticide formulations and delivery methods.
- Discover how advanced technologies and formulations benefit food security, human health and the environment.
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Popular speakers

Dr. Liao Kechao

Director of Application R&D

WuXi JingFung technology Co., Ltd

Tong Leiting

Executive Director

Xian Tbio Crop Science Co.,Ltd

Eva Hoo



Daoyong Gong

PhD at Chongqing University, Leader of Harworld biosynthetic biology research group at Guangxi Acade
