Sahara 2020

New Cairo,Egypt    Sep. 13, 2020-Sep. 16, 2020

New Cairo,Egypt

Sep. 13, 2020-Sep. 16, 2020


Informa Exhibitions

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About Sahara
In 1987, EXPO launched Sahara, which has successfully introduced the latest technologies in modern agriculture for 31 years to Egypt and the region for over three decades. As Egypt’s oldest and best attended show, Sahara became not only a market place but also an agricultural educational forum for the sector's professionals, playing a significant role in the development of agriculture in the region.

In 2018, Informa Exhibitions joined EXPO in organizing Sahara. Uniting EXPO’s years of local experience, and Informa’s global perspective, Sahara is the perfect platform for the North African agriculture sector. As part of Informa Exhibition’s World leading portfolio of agricultural events, covering America, Europe, Asia and Africa, Sahara will offer greater exposure than ever to all taking part.

Sahara 2020
Sahara will offer the exhibitors great benefits providing them with a proper environment to network new potential partners, launch their new products, increase their revenue, and discover the latest trends and products in the agricultural sector.

Sahara is taking place from 13 - 16 September 2020 at Egypt International Exhibition Centre, Cairo, Egypt.

Opening times: 10:00AM - 7:00PM (daily)

The Egypt International Exhibition Centre (EIEC), is widely considered to be one of the best venues in the Middle East and Africa.

It offers modern facilities including conference rooms, VIP lounges, seminar rooms, extensive parking, restaurants, cafeterias and central air-conditioning.

The venue is 20 minutes away from Cairo International Airport.

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