YugAgro 2018

Krasnodar,Russia    Nov. 20, 2018-Nov. 23, 2018


Nov. 20, 2018-Nov. 23, 2018


Expograd Yug



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On November 20th 2018, the 25th edition of YugAgro opened its doors at Expograd Yug.

The event’s opening ceremony was attended by key members of host region Krasnodar’s agricultural community, as well as the wider Russian and international community.

Opening ceremony attendees included Governor of the Krasnodar Region, Mr. Veniamin Kondratiev, Chairman of the Krasnodar Region Legislative Assembly Mr. Yury Burlachko, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management Sergey Lisovsky, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the Russian Federation, Ms. Renée Jones-Bos, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Grenada in the Russian Federation, Mr. Firer, Minister Plenipotentiary, Councillor for Trade and Economy of the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Russian Federation, Mr. Li Jing-Yuan and other honoured guests.

In 2018, more than 650 companies from 35 countries worldwide took part in the event. More than 100 companies were newcomers, making their YugAgro debut in 2018. Germany and Turkey held their own national pavilions, showcasing the leading companies from their respective nations. 

Total event space exceeded 65,000 m2.

 “Companies from the Netherlands, Spain, Canada, India, China and many others, present their products here,” said Mr. Veniamin Kondratiev in his welcoming speech. “But it is fundamentally important for us that, among the foreign partners, there are exhibitors from 40 Russian regions, including 100 companies from Krasnodar Territory.” 

The Governor of Kuban also noted that YugAgro is a unique opportunity to learn from the experience of industry partners and competitors.

Yury Burlachko, Chairman of the Krasnodar Region Legislative Assembly, noted that more than 20 years ago, YugAgro was a small, regional agricultural fair. Now, Mr. Balachka pointed out, YugAgro has grown to become an industry-leading international trade platform.

As the opening ceremony came to a close, the Governor and YugAgro’s honoured guests visited selected exhibitor booths of companies such as CLAAS, Rostselmash, KUHN and other exhibitors.
The 25th international exhibition was divided into four exhibition sectors: equipment for storage and processing; agricultural machinery & spare parts; seeds & agrochemicals; and greenhouse and irrigation equipment.

As ever, YugAgro 2018 presented a Business Programme of events, featuring educational sessions, networking areas, seminars and keynote speeches from industry leaders. More than 30 events were organised, featuring 80 guest speakers.

Guest speakers sharing their industry insights at YugAgro 2018 included: Sergey Lisovsky, First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, Andrey Korobka, Deputy Governor of the Krasnodar Krai, General Director of Rosagroleasing, Pavel Kosov, Arkady Zlochevsky, Russian Grain Union Head, and “Yug Rusi” Deputy General Director, Sergey Kremenetskiy and other experts took part in it.

The event’s strategic sponsor was CLAAS.
The event’s partner was Rostselmash.
The event’s general sponsor is ROSAGROTRADE.
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