International Crop-Science Conference & Exhibition (ICSCE 2020)

India    Jan. 28, 2021-Jan. 29, 2021


Jan. 28, 2021-Jan. 29, 2021


Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Assocoation of India(PMFAI)


91 (022)2673 4845, 2673 48


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International Crop-Science Conference & Exhibition(ICSCE) is an exclusive agri input trade show in India, organised by Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Assocoation of India(PMFAI). PMFAI’s ICSCE 2020 is moving this year from Physical to 3d Virtual Platform- an experience of it’s kind scheduled on 28-29 January 2021 with extended exhibition for 4 days.

It provides ample opportunities for all those involved directly & indirectly with agri inputs (agrochemicals, fertilizers, Biological pesticides and ancillary units- solvents, surfactant, intermediates, raw materials, packaging industry etc.)  business for sourcing, marketing, brand establishment, product promotion, etc. The conference presentations by experts gives an insight of knowledge oriented session highlighting new developments, market reach and market analysis, development in intermediates and research & developments. 

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It is important to highlight the true potential, capacity and capability of the Indian Pesticides Industry, so the Industry can become self-reliant (Atmanirbhar) and a net exporter of agrochemicals –Make local Go Global.  PMFAI’s ICSCE 2020 is moving this year from Physical to 3d Virtual Platform- an experience of it’s kind scheduled on 28-29 January 2021 with extended exhibition for 4 days.

The said event on 3d Virtual platform will allow companies to promote their businesses and brands, via video conferencing, Chat messaging during the event, discuss business, visit stalls, meeting rooms and conclude business similar to physical event. As this 3d Virtual Platform is user friendly, this year we are anticipating multi fold participation from across the globe.  Agrochemicals has  played a very important role and will continue in coming years too, to highlight key issues a conference is also organized alongwith exhibition so delegates can take away the knowledge shared by experts to gear up for changing scenario post covid19.

Why to Attend ?

●  To develop Sales and Lead Opportunities

●  To Meet and connect with prospective customers.

●  Boost Brand Visibility and brand building

●  Learn New developments in agrochemical Industry

●  Showcase New Products & Services

●  Listen to Customer Feedback.

●  Know competitors Activity.

●  For procurement of agri inputs.

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Popular speakers

Yenny Tao

Head of Animal and Plant, China


Adam Kayser

Global Product Technical Manager


Dr. Qian Li

China BioAg Business Development Manager


Du Sen

Chief Expert

National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China