Rwanda,Africa    Sep. 8, 2020-Sep. 11, 2020


Sep. 8, 2020-Sep. 11, 2020


AGRA-Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa


+254 703 033000


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The 10th edition of the annual AGRF in Kigali Rwanda, saw Heads of State, Government Ministers, Civil Society, and Business Leaders resolve to use the flourishing urban food markets as a launchpad for growing the continent’s agricultural investments into stable businesses.

The AGRF, the world’s premier forum for advancing Africa’s agricultural agenda, drew a large and diverse crowd of more than 10,400 delegates from all over the world to analyze the state of African agriculture under the theme, Feed the Cities, Grow the Continent: Leveraging Urban Food Markets to Achieve Sustainable Food Systems in Africa.


The theme was a call to action to rethink Africa’s food systems in order to deliver a more resilient, better nourished, and more prosperous outcome for all. During the Forum, technical assessments, policy analyses and political discussions reached a new level of consensus that could accelerate the efforts to reach the goals in the Malabo Declaration, and make farming in Africa more productive, profitable, sustainable and inclusive.

During the four-day summit, delegates explored innovative ways to streamline the continent’s agricultural value chains. Until now, traditional hurdles have made it hugely difficult for Africa’s farmers to sufficiently serve the rising urban food demand.

Agripreneurs, youth entrepreneurs and business leaders showcased innovative models, ready for investment and scaling, while scientists, researchers and thought leaders demonstrated ways in which policy amendments and innovative technology could lead to stronger agricultural value chains.

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National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China