World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit

Online,Global    Sep. 15, 2020-Sep. 16, 2020


Sep. 15, 2020-Sep. 16, 2020


Rethink Events Ltd


+44 (0)1273 789989


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The World Agri-Tech Innovation Summit is going virtual!  This year’s summit will be live online on September 15-16, 2020, providing a 1-1 meeting platform for our global agtech network, focused discussion groups, interactive panel discussions, start-up pitches, and critical intelligence from industry leaders on how our industry will emerge from the current crisis.

An expert international speaking faculty will present live, before hosting breakout virtual roundtables on the trends, opportunities and challenges that will shape your business in 2021:

Carbon Neutrality: How are CPGs meeting their sustainability and responsible sourcing targets?
Sustainable Inputs: Which bio-based inputs are on course for rapid growth over the next 10 years?
Automation and Robotics: How are labour shortages accelerating the pace of automation?
Supply Chain Resiliency: Where can technology reduce waste and inefficiency in the supply chain?
Soil Health: How can we incentivise farming practices that improve carbon sequestration?
Digital Platforms: How can we deliver greater value for farmers though supply chain digitisation?
Localised Food Systems: What role will technology-driven production play in future food security?
Investment Outlook: How are investors positioning themselves to brace against a downturn?

Partnership and collaboration are critical as we strive to create a stronger, more sustainable agri-food system.  We may not be able to meet in person right now, but we still need to come together to share knowledge and make new connections to help our businesses grow.

Who Will You Meet?
Senior agtech leaders from global companies ready to join us, include:


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Popular speakers

Yenny Tao

Head of Animal and Plant, China


Adam Kayser

Global Product Technical Manager


Dr. Qian Li

China BioAg Business Development Manager


Du Sen

Chief Expert

National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Center, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China