Biopesticides, Biostimulants, Biofertilizers, and ICM/IPM are crucial tools needed for farmers across the globe. Europe is the largest market, followed by North America. Latin America is the fastest growing and Asia has huge untapped potential.
This congress is produced 'by the BioAg industry and for the BioAg industry' and unites continents, allows face-to-face networking to grow distribution networks and offers the latest technological advances within BioAg.
Benefits for Sponsors: BAW (BioAg World Congress) has designed a full range of sponsorships, on one hand
you can pick from packages which offer the maximum exposure in the BAW website + Virtual 3D BAW congress
center with virtual booth included + targeted emailings + Bio Ag community post messaging. On the other
hand, you can pick from specific sponsorships giving visibility from the Virtual 3D BAW congress center and
occasionally from a menu of the BAW website. The Virtual BAW congress is engineered to disseminate top
expert knowledge stretching your horizon line and putting you in contact in an easy and professional way. You
can count on the large GBAL (Global BioAg Linkages) world community and our media partners located on the 5
continents to reach professionals in all the stages of the Bio Ag value chain from researchers, to manufacturers,
retaillers, to crop advisers to growers, to food marketers. Join now and have your company be in the world Bio
Ag community!
Benefits for Exhibitors: BAW allows exhibitors to display many of their digital materials to enhance product
benefits and application prescriptions from the virtual booth in the 3D exhibition area. Most importantly BAW
booths allow efficient connection points with leads via text or video chats. Based on the sponsorship and type
of booth you are booking; you be getting a number of video chat profiles. Companies with higher number of the
free representatives can consider language specific representatives. A scheduling tool will allow to overcome
the time zones. Book your stand now and develop your world customer portfolio!
Benefits for delegates: BAW virtual congress is a professional and competitive way to capture the latest
biosolution developments for sustainable crop production from thought leadership and connect with potential
providers. Our knowledge disseminating and networking platform is a wise investment to get you on the new
business reality: Circular economy, free chemical food, lower carbon and water foot print with healthy soil
microbiome, online distribution and site/time specific field prescriptions. Virtual BAW congress registration give
you access to the lobby, conference, exhibition, poster, speaker rooms, and last but not least the networking
lounge where you will be able to glance at all the registered delegates and launch your invitation. Book your
registration now and get the payback shortly!
Other points to take into consideration to sponsor, exhibit or simply attend the Virtual BAW congress:
- No risk to Covid-19 exposure,
- No travel and hotel expenses,
- Time saving,
- Live contacts from office or home office,
- Live content available 3 days and on demand for a month,
- Access to virtual booths with life or text chats, and meeting scheduling,
- Top speakers from the industry,
- 6 content rich sessions,
- Global event with stakeholders and participants from the 5 continents,
- Thought leadership from industry leaders,
- Link with Government officials, innovators, and business executives,
- Networking with all the BAW community,
- Private access to the other delegates through text chat.
Learn more about the congress>>