The BCPC Congress

Harrogate,UnitedKingdom    Nov. 2, 2021-Nov. 3, 2021


Nov. 2, 2021-Nov. 3, 2021


+44 (0)1423 799633


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Following a year when the BCPC Congress was held virtually, we are delighted that plans are underway to hold a live event in Harrogate, North Yorkshire, UK on 2-3 November 2021 (government guidelines permitting).

The programme committee has formulated an exciting mix of technical and informative sessions with authoritative speakers presenting on the theme:

Providing policy and regulatory support for multi-functional UK agriculture

UK agriculture has three key deliverables:

- To provide adequate supplies of healthy food to contribute to UK food security;

- To facilitate environmental initiatives with a focus on biodiversity, conservation, rewilding and landscapes;

- To contribute to UK net carbon zero targets.

What is the wider agricultural industry contributing to meeting these goals and what more can be done?

What is the role of Government in providing guidance, funding and regulatory support in order that these, often conflicting, deliverables are achieved?

This year’s Congress will aim to tackle this challenge and provide some solutions and insight into a way forward for UK agriculture.

The programme will look to address:

- The UK National Action Plan for pesticides and consultation on gene editing

- What is happening in Europe that will impact UK agriculture

- Food supply in the future – what innovations and changes should UK agriculture be making?

- Biopesticides, bio-stimulants and plant breeding – what role do these have in UK agriculture and what are the regulations affecting them?

- Integrated pest management and precision application in UK agriculture – regulation, uptake and options for replacement of lost actives

- Role of pesticides in meeting carbon net zero targets

- Managing land for the benefit of the public good, the environment and biodiversity

Confirmed speakers so far include:

- Dave Bench (CPA)

- Liz Bowles (Soil Association)

- Dr Henry Creissen (SRUC)

- Hazel Doonan (AIC)

- Dr Roma Gwynn (Rationale / IBMA)

- Dr Chris Hartfield (NFU)

- Stuart Knight (NIAB)

- Janet Williams (Bayer)

- Day Two will see the welcome return of the HSE’s Chemicals Regulation Division (CRD) in an interactive session with delegates.

Browse the full programme now or have a look at the full list of confirmed speakers. Alternatively, head over to register now!

To receive further information on the BCPC Congress 2021, please complete the online form or contact us:

by phone: +44 (0) 1423 863 522

by email:

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