2022 Agrochemical Trade Show

Sao Paulo,Brazil    Nov. 3, 2022-Nov. 4, 2022

Sao Paulo,Brazil

Nov. 3, 2022-Nov. 4, 2022


Novotel Center Norte


+55 11 31514360

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"Meet with the pesticide industry"
More than 25 exhibitors and 200-300 visitors from pesticide business such as manufacturers & traders, distributors, dealers, laboratoy, consulting, goverment, regulatory agencies, and so on. Speaches on ESG, International Agribusiness, Pesticide Registration, the Brazilian agribusiness and Chinese market, and much more. Event is promoted by AllierBrasil, a consulting & advisory company regarding agribusiness in Brazil and Latin America countries. Pesticide manufacturing companies from India will be present at the tradeshow, as well as representatives from the Brazilian pesticide industry.


  • Maria de Lourdes Fustaino, FMC, will talk about ESG in the agrochemical industry

  • Dr. André Peralta will talk about pesticide registration

  • Sharda Cropchem Limited will be present

  • Larissa Wachholz will talk about the Brazilian agriculture and China

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Popular speakers

Cao Xufang

Deputy General Manager

Shandong Huimeng Biotech Co., Ltd.

Chen Tingzhuo

Director of Biopesticide Creation Center

Chengdu Newsun Crop Science Co., Ltd.

Rohit Nagraj


Centrum Broking Limited

Dr. Samir Dave


Pesticides Manufacturers & Formulators Assocoation of India(PMFAI)