Key Changes in China’s Revised Draft of Measures on Pesticide Registration Management

Online,China    Jul. 6, 2023-Jul. 6, 2023


Jul. 6, 2023-Jul. 6, 2023

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On May 12, 2023, the Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals, Ministry of Agriculture of China (ICAMA) published the draft Measures on the Management of Pesticide Registration (hereinafter referred to as the draft Measures) for public hearing. (see the news)

The draft Measures have the potential to impact the pesticide industry in the future significantly. In recognition of this, we are hosting this webinar to extract and highlight the key changes within the draft and to provide insights into the developing trend of China’s pesticide registration management. We aim to provide valuable suggestions and guidance to enterprises who are looking to enter the Chinese Market.

By attending this webinar, you will gain a deeper understanding of the potential impact of the draft Measures and the steps you can take to navigate this rapidly evolving regulatory landscape.

Relevant Links:


  • Current Regulation for Pesticide Registration in China

  • Updates on Pesticide Registration Management Measures

  • Outlook and Challenges for 2023-2024

  • REACH24H Compliance Support




Alisa Zheng REACH24H

Alisa Zheng

Regulatory Consultant, Agrochemical Division of REACH24H

She has been engaged in global pesticide, fertilizer, and disinfectant registration regulatory consulting for many years, especially for China/US EPA/EU PPP&BPR/South Korea (K-BPR). By committing herself to customize detailed and rigorous compliance programs for companies, she has been constantly working as a key account manager and providing efficient and high-quality compliance support, assisting global companies to enter different markets.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about this webinar, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us:

Tel: +86 400 809 5809

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